Monday, June 8, 2015

2 Corinthians 1:1-7, Psalm 34:2-9, Mark 5:1-12


2 Corinthians 1:1-7, Psalm 34:2-9, Mark 5:1-12

2 Corinthians 1:1-7

My Beloved, without the grace that flows to us through the Sacraments we can never know peace. It is through them, administered to us through Your anointed in the Church, that we are encouraged and strengthened. 

All whom You call must be prepared to face hardship and persecution. We have been forewarned that if You were treated shamefully despite being the Son of Man and the Son of God we can expect no less. However, we can also expect to receive consolation that comes from knowing that You are with us. 

You love us and  in doing all You ask of us the whole Church is encouraged, consoled, and comforted. Thank You for being our ever present help in all our difficulties.

Psalm 34:2-9

Truly my Beloved, You put praise in our hearts and a song on our lips. You are the God of love and of all consolations. You alone are worthy of our praise and worship. Thank You for hearing and answering us each time we cry out to You  for help.  Thank You for consoling us and wiping away our tears. Thank You for saving us. We look at You Lord in Your sanctuary and we are radiant with joy. For the Lord our God is with us. He makes His dwelling place among us.

You keep us safe from the enemy and in You the faithful find refuge, shelter and help.

Mark 5:1-12

My Beloved, in this miracle You demonstrate Your power over the spiritual realm. This poor man was possessed by a legion of evil spirits. He was ostracised as a danger to his family and community and most of all to himself. Satan had bound him and he lived among the dead. Tormented he could do nothing to help and save himself.

Sin has this menacing power to hold us in chains and we can do nothing to break free from its fetters. Sin isolates us from You and the more isolated we become from You the more desperate and hopeless our situation becomes. 

People generally want nothing to do with those who are burdensome and a nuisance. But You my Beloved came to seek and save the sinner. You came to the region of the Gerasenes in order to set this poor man free. The evil spirits recognized You, they knew that they did not stand a chance and so they asked that you send them into the pigs. You did, and they hurled themselves headlong into the sea, setting the man totally free. 

Neither sin nor evil can remain in Your Presence and if we cling to You we will be safe.

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