Monday, December 7, 2015

Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 85:9-14, Luke 5:17-26


Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 85:9-14, Luke 5:17-26

Isaiah 35:1-10

My Beloved, the Prophet foretells Your coming. The Anointed of the Lord Christ Jesus, the One who saves us from our sins. He foretells the miracles, the signs and wonders You will perform. The deaf will hear, the blind will see, the lame will walk and  leap. Evil will be crushed and You will show us the Way to the Father, the Way of Life that will bring  us abiding peace and joy no matter what the circumstances of our life may be. You will pour upon us Your Own Spirit and He will give us Living Water springing up in us causing fruit of good works to abound. You will lavish us with the Gifts of the Spirit and we will not have to rely on our own strength but on Yours. You will redeem us. You will set us free. You will crush the head of Satan and foil all the plans of the Enemy by Your Life, Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection into heaven. And we have Your assurance that You will lead us to the Eternal City where there will be no more sorrow, no more tears, only singing and rejoicing and praising our God for all eternity.

Psalm 85:9-14

My Beloved, we are truly privileged to be living in this age – an age where every prophecy concerning You has been fulfilled in You. The peace You give us is an abiding peace a peace that cannot be taken from us by anyone. We are saved and we have seen Your glory through the eyes of faith every time we come together to celebrate the Sacraments especially the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. We have Your abiding Presence with us in our Tabernacles. We become living tabernacles when we receive Your Body in Holy Communion and for a while Beloved we are like Mary who conceived and carried You in her womb. May we be like her who lived in perfect union with You always.
Luke 5:17-26

My Beloved, in Your Presence Your power is always at work to heal all kinds of sickness – physical, mental or spiritual.  Your Word too is power for You are the Word of God – Wisdom Incarnate. It is no wonder that Your Word has power to raise from death to life. To restore, to make new and to heal and make whole. All it take is faith – either our own or the faith of those who pray for us. You assure us that genuine faith even as small as a mustard seed can move mountains and You proved it when the faith of the friends of the paralytic found a way to bring him to You.

They were so certain of Your power to heal their paralyzed friend they would not let any obstacle stand in the way and You rewarded their faith by first healing the man spiritually by forgiving his sins – thereby indicating to those around You that You were God.  You discerned the thoughts of the Pharisees who rightly wondered how You had the temerity to take upon Yourself a prerogative that belonged to God alone, You did something else that only God can do, You commanded the paralytic to get up, pick up his and go home which the man did in front of everyone in the room.

Thank You my Beloved, for passing on Your authority to forgive sins and every other power of healing in every way to Your Apostles and from the Apostles to the Church. You have kept every promise and we pray that we too will always be filled with a holy fear and awe that God continues to abide with us and in us. Thank You, Beloved.

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