Friday, June 12, 2015

Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8-9, Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19, Isaiah 12:2-6, John 19:31-37



Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8-9, Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19, 
Isaiah 12:2-6, John 19:31-37

Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8-9

My  Beloved, how tenderly our God and Father loves us. All though the pages of Scripture we read how He led the people He chose from slavery to freedom. It was the Lord God who taught us how to love and how to be pleasing to Him and to each other. It was He who showed us that love is the only way to live fruitful and happy lives.

He did not think it either absurd or scandalous to send You, His only beloved Son, into the world, to reveal to us that genuine love is prepared to give all, and without reserve. This is what You, my Beloved, did for us. You permitted Your heart to be pierced and Your sacred blood spilled sanctifying the earth, the world and everything in it. We were set free from sin and death so we could return to the Father's house.

Thank You Beloved. We worship, praise, adore and honor Your Sacred Heart that has loved us always beyond human comprehension.

Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19

My Beloved, St. Paul recognizes that You chose him, the least likely of all people. He who once savagely and brutally persecuted Your Body, the Church was chosen to be the one to announce to the Gentile world Your immeasurable riches. From the dawn of creation and until You were sent into the world by the Father He was preparing us for the New Covenant that He was to make between Him and us through You. 

What was hidden and only hinted at, what was concealed in smoke and shadow, became clear once the world and those chosen to witness Your incarnation, life, public ministry, your arrest like a common criminal and the horrendous torture of the crucifixion, culminating in Your death Your glorious Resurrection and ascension into glory; the Old Testament began to take on meaning, it became luminous with understanding as we see how You fulfilled every prophecy and promise made by God. 

The Church has not exhausted the inexhaustible treasures of Wisdom as she continues to contemplate with the help of the Holy Spirit who throws light, facet by facet on the wonders of God's love for us.

Through You, my Lord, we receive all that the Father has to give, which is infinite, so we can become what God always intended His children to be for He created us in the image and likeness of the Triune God. 

Isaiah 12:2-6

My Beloved, salvation comes to us from You alone there is no other. We trust in You and though life can be hard, painful and difficult sometimes we are not afraid, for You are with us - Emmanuel. 

Thank You for Your free gift of salvation. Thank You for throwing open the gates of heaven so we can enter into glory with You and share in Your inheritance forever.

John 19:31-37

My Beloved, for those who say that You are myth and that faith is a crutch for the weak, we have here the sworn testimony of Your disciple who witnessed  Your crucifixion and who saw the soldier pierce Your sacred side with a lance. He saw the blood and water that came forth from Your Heart. This is neither myth nor legend - this is just what God intended. Love pierced the Heart of the Son of God that anyone who so desires might enter it and there find joy beyond imagining.

We continue to look on You whom we have pierced with our sins each time we lift our gaze to a Crucifix or an image of Your Sacred Heart, and we are reminded again of the length, breadth, height and depth of God's immeasurable love for us, revealed through You my Beloved, my Lord and my God.

Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my hope and trust in You.

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