Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24, Psalm25:4-5, 8-10, 14, Luke 1:57-66


Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24, Psalm25:4-5,  8-10, 14, Luke 1:57-66

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24

My Beloved, You are the fulfillment of every prophecy. Everything ever said about You and revealed by the prophets in the Old Testament culminating with St. John the Baptist was fulfilled at Your coming into the world at the Babe of Bethlehem. To us a Child is born, to us a Savior is given. His Name will be Emmanuel God with us and He will save the people from their sins. You came into the world to lay bare the sins of the world not in condemnation, never in condemnation, but to reveal to us the love of God that is manifest in You. You will come again to sift the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff however now we are being purified as gold and silver is purified. You are constantly forming us in You image and likeness because You our Lord and our God love us so much You laid down Your life in order that we may live. Thank You Lord!

Psalm25:4-5, 8-10, 14

My Beloved, today You invite is to lift up our heads taking the focus away from us. You want us to cease navel gazing and instead to fix our eyes on You.  You have made known Your Way to us in order that we might walk on the path of salvation. You came to reveal the Truth to us in You for You are the embodiment of Truth and we are invited to discover what Truth is. It is a Person and His Name is Jesus. You came in order to give sinners life, to teach us the virtue of humility and to comfort us in the knowledge that in You we find perfect justice and only the humble can please God for although You are God, You humbled Yourself, dying the death of a slave in order to set us free from the slavery of sin which hold us captive.

You assure us that those who keep the Covenant of Love will receive the grace to walk in the way of the Lord and experience Your kindness and Your constancy. You are not a God of yes and no. Your Yes is eternal. Your love for us does not waver. It is the same yesterday, today and forever. You deign to offer us Your friendship. You delight in walking with those who desire to please You in all things because we love You.
Luke 1:57-66

My Beloved, at every new birth the  same question is asked, “What will this child be?” We see in the Gospel reading of today the beginning of the dawn of a new age. The last prophet privileged to announce the coming of the Messiah, the Lamb of God, and the Savior of the world. His mother says his name will be John the name given to him by God as revealed by the Angel Gabriel. As soon as his father Zechariah confirmed this, his tongue was loosened, and so it is with us when we do what God asks us to do amazing things happen. In seeing Your will and doing it You grant us infinite grace. We are not required to muddle along on our own but are guided by God Himself, fed and nourished by Your Body and Blood and strengthened by Your Holy Spirit You assure us that we too will do all that You did and even greater things because You remain with us. Thank You.

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