Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Numbers 12:1-13, Psalm 51:3-7, 12-13, Matthew 14:22-36


Numbers 12:1-13, Psalm 51:3-7, 12-13,  Matthew 14:22-36

Numbers 12:1-13

My Beloved, we can be envious of those to whom You show favor just as Miriam and Aaron were jealous of Moses who was clearly revealed as specially chosen by God to lead His people from exile and slavery to freedom. We ought never to dare to speak of those whom You have anointed and consecrated we are called to love and respect our priests and leave all judgment to You who are the sole Judge, there is no other.

There are painful consequences when we readily and openly discuss, criticize and gossip about the shortcomings or weaknesses of priests.  We expect them to be superhuman when they are after all men and subject to the same struggles that we ourselves face daily. Yet, God has chosen them and called them out of the world to represent You, His beloved Son. Moses spoke to God face to face. Our priests make You present on our altars at every celebration of the Holy Eucharist and they make it possible for us to eat and drink Your Body and Blood.

They celebrate the Sacraments for us through which immeasurable grace is made available to us. Thank You my Beloved for the gift of priests may we never be the cause of wounding them rather may they always count on our love, help, respect, support and prayers.

Psalm 51:3-7, 12-13

My Beloved, nothing unclean can come into Your holy Presence. I beg you Lord to help me to avoid sin and when I do,  for I am certain I shall, I ask that You make haste and forgive me each time I cry out for forgiveness. Help me never to wallow in sin or wait too long before I turn to You in repentance. Help me to actively seek Your will in all things then I shall always e pleasing to You.

Make it possible for me to frequent the Sacrament of Reconciliation often so I may receive all the grace and strength I need to avoid falling into the same sin always. 

Matthew 14:22-36

My Beloved, it is human weakness that desires to actively seek adulation and respect from others. This is why after the miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fish You wanted to remove Your disciples to a more secluded place so they would not get puffed up with pride and self glorification.  So You sent them away while You Yourself stayed back to disperse the crowds and spend much of the night in prayer alone with Your Father. You would have been exhausted because of the relentless demands made on You by everyone.

In the meantime, the disciples who were crossing to the other side by boat found themselves in the middle of a terrifying storm. The wind and the waves battered their boat and most of them who were skilled fishermen were filled with fear that they might drown. Then they see You walking on water and approaching the boat. Never had they witnessed something like this and thinking You were a ghost they cried out in fear. You immediately reassured them with the words, “Courage! Don’t be afraid. It’s Me!” Dear and impetuous Peter said, “Lord, if is You, command me to come to You walking on the water.” You invited him, “Come.” 

How often my Beloved, the storms and vicissitudes of life threaten to swamp us with fear. We cry out to You and swifter than a heartbeat You are there beside us, reassuring us as You reassured Your disciples. “Don’t be afraid.” Then we ask for a favor and You grant it to us. We are called to act in faith and all may go well for a while until we doubt and we fall and like Peter we cry out, “Lord, save me!” And You do gently reprimanding us for our weak faith.

All things are possible if we only believe. You are truly God and the Son of the most High. You know the desires of our hearts bless us Lord and bless all whom we love.

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