Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Deuteronomy 31:1-8, Deuteronomy 32: 3-4, 7-9, 12, Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14


Deuteronomy 31:1-8, Deuteronomy 32: 3-4, 7-9, 12, 
Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

Deuteronomy 31:1-8

My Beloved, Moses accepted God’s will that he would not cross into the promised land and that the mantle of leadership would fall on Joshua. We too ought to understand that after we have completed all that God asks of us and we in turn have to hand over the reins to another we should do so with the same grace that Moses did. Once our usefulness has ended then we must leave quietly allowing God’s work to continue according to His will and design.

Moses reminds the people to have faith and courage. Circumstances may look difficult but the people had God on their side. He would go before them, He would be with them, He would be behind them encompassing them, all around with His power and His presence, and they would conquer every enemy and overcome every obstacle. There would be no need to be afraid and to tremble if they believed that God would fight their battles and they would be victorious.

This advice is for us as well as we face life’s challenges. God is always with us and will never abandon us. Neither fear nor has discouragement should have a place in our life for if God be for us then who can be against us? No power will prevail over those who belong to You.

Deuteronomy 32: 3-4, 7-9, 12

My Beloved, one important way to keep our faith alive, is to constantly recall Your goodness and all the wonderful things God has done for us all our lives. How You came to our rescue when we called on You for help. How You saved us from some calamity, how You are always near ready to help and comfort. How You forgive our sins no matter how grave, if we are truly repentant. How we can always start over no matter how terribly we have failed. All these and more are reasons to praise You our awesome God.

An important aspect of our faith is to hand it down faithfully to our children and children’s children. We must share what God has done for us so they too will learn to trust You implicitly always. When we have God with us my Beloved we need nothing and no one else God alone will suffice always.

Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

My Beloved, people are always preoccupied about who will have the best seats in the house. Your disciples are no different although one would imagine they would be since they lived in such close proximity with You. But they were human like the rest of us. In answer to their question who is the greatest? You drew a little child close to You and said that unless we become like a child we cannot hope to get into heaven. What You desire my Beloved is that we have the disposition of children – children trust their parents implicitly, they have faith that all their needs will be met. They are not afraid when their parents are close at hand. They love without guile. They are innocent. We have to retain this childlike qualities no matter how old we get. A humble, obedient and childlike spirit will ensure that we remain close to You always for to such as these You said the Kingdom of God belongs.

My Beloved, babies in their thousands are aborted every day in every nation. Verse 10 is a solemn warning, “See that you do not despise any of these little ones. For I tell you their angels in heaven continually see the face of my heavenly Father.” So many innocent lives are snuffed out each day in their mother’s wombs and so many will be held accountable for the loss of these precious lives who have been denied their right to live as God Himself ordained. How many millions of angels are pleading for justice on behalf of their little charges who now behold the Face of God.

My Beloved, I always thought this parable a bit of a hyperbole – what pragmatic shepherd would risk leaving 99 sheep who are safe and risk disaster striking them to go in search for one stupid, silly sheep who got lost? Thank You for showing me that it is not ridiculous at all if the shepherd loved all his sheep very much that the loss of even one is unbearable. And finding that stupid sheep who is greatly loved he would feel moved to rejoice that he has finally found him safe and unscathed. 

I am like that stupid, silly sheep and I thank You my Beloved for loving me enough to seek and find me each time I got lost. Thank You for not thinking it ridiculous or stupid to come looking for me.

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