Thursday, September 10, 2015

Colossians 3:12-17, Psalm 150: 1-6, Luke 6:27-38


Colossians 3:12-17, Psalm 150: 1-6, Luke 6:27-38

Colossians 3:12-17

My Beloved, this beautiful letter of St. Paul to the Colossians shows us how to live and reflect Your life and light in the world. If I take my call as Your disciple and follower seriously then I must be like You. I must always show the same compassion, kindness, humility, patience and meekness that You show to all friend, stranger, and foe alike. I am called to forgive as often as I have to without keeping count, without resentment, without being judgmental.  None of this is possible without love. Your love in me is what unites me to all the members of Your Body in perfect unity. Peace flows from You who are the Head to each of its members. I am called to be thankful in all circumstances – a grateful heart is pleasing to God.

You are the Eternal Word of God and if You dwell in me in fullness then I will be able to do all that God requires of me every moment of every day. Help me Beloved with the graces You so readily make available to me every day.

Psalm 150: 1-6

My Beloved, the psalmist says  , “Let everything that breathes sing praise to the Lord.” May every breath I breathe give You glory. Let every heartbeat, every pulse  beat, every thought, every deed, and every word give You praise my Lord for as long as I live. Amen.

Luke 6:27-38

My Beloved, truly we live in a sinful world and we are sinners. All that You ask us to do in these verses is difficult and some more difficult than others. Yet, this is what You ask of us. It is a slow, uphill, struggle my Lord and it cannot be accomplished overnight. It is a battle against ourselves, the world, and the devil. We may succeed sometimes in some and fail miserably over others. This is a battle that is fought over a lifetime and is possible only with grace received through prayer, self discipline and frequent reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist.

I cannot do it on my own my Lord. Help me. Send Your Holy Spirit with power so I can receive the grace I need. My own sinful self and its evil desires fight against my good intentions. Teach me not to keep a catalogue of offenses but to forgive quickly and completely. I want You to be merciful to me my Lord but I must first show mercy so mercy be shown to me.

Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like unto Thine. Amen.

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