Monday, August 3, 2015

Numbers 11:4-15, Psalm 81:12-17, Matthew 14:13-21


Numbers 11:4-15, Psalm 81:12-17, Matthew 14:13-21

Numbers 11:4-15

My Beloved, there are always the rabble-rousers who are able to incite even those who are seemingly content to dissent. The Israelites had a short memory; they forgot the cruel lash of the whip across their backs and the hard labor and punishments they had to endure. All they could recollect was the food they ate which in comparison to the daily manna that the Father provided and which caused them so much joy at first was now no longer palatable to the foods they had eaten in the past under the yoke of slavery.

My Beloved, we too can take the Bread of Angels for granted. We can approach You in the Eucharist and be quite indifferent to the great Gift of Yourself to us under the appearance of bread and wine. We become jaded. We are no longer on fire with desire for You who deigns to lower Yourself from the highest heavens to enter our sinful souls.

Moses complained bitterly at the great responsibility which had become increasingly burdensome. We too are tempted to become frustrated at those who are so poorly catechized that they are clueless about the great mysteries of our faith but they in turn raise poorly formed children and the whole Church suffers because of people largely being consumed by the world and its affairs and have very little time for the God of Love who created them and in love and redeemed them at so great a cost.

Like Moses, it is right that we bring our complaints and frustrations to You in prayer for it shows that we are concerned about our brothers and sisters and just as the Lord God helped Moses find a solution to his difficulties so will You assist us in ours. 

Psalm 81:12-17

My Beloved, how gracious and kind, tender, loving, compassionate, and merciful is the love of God for His children. All that God asks of us is obedience. It is in obedience to God’s will that we can find true fulfillment in every area of our life. 

You beg us to heed You only so we can be truly happy always. Why is it that we willfully continue to be self-indulgent, greedy and selfish? We refuse to exercise discipline and give into every passion without the slightest attempt at self control. Only You can truly satisfy and if we would only permit You for You never act against our will, You will fill our mouths with the finest of wheat and honey from the Rock of all Ages.

Matthew 14:13-21

My Beloved, even though you desired to be alone and deliberately sought out a secluded place You did not allow Your need to eclipse the need of the people who came looking for You. We are called to be compassionate and to have empathy for the needs of our brothers and sisters. You looked at the large crowds that clamored to be with You, to listen to Your words of life that brought them hope and courage, they wanted to touch You in order that they may be healed and they brought others to You too. This is our mission Beloved, we are not to come alone but bring everyone with us even if it in only in spirit so You may minister to everyone.

The disciples too were concerned as the crowd had been with You all day and it was not late in the afternoon. The people had no provisions to feed themselves and they would now be hungry. The disciples came to You so You could disperse the crowds before it was too late so they might find some food to eat on their way back home.  You responded, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” The disciples must have looked at You incredulously. How on earth were they to feed so many when they themselves had only brought five loaves and two fish? Right up to the very end the disciples did not have faith enough to know who You truly were although You not only told them plainly over and over again but the awesome miracles You performed should have convinced them that You are God.

You asked them to bring what they had, You asked them to seat the crowds, You looked up to Your Father and prayed a blessing over the food and You asked the disciples to distribute it. All ate as much as they wanted and were satisfied and 12 baskets full of leftovers were collected.

We are told that You fed 5000 men not counting the women and children present. The disciples continued to have little faith despite witnessing this miracle and several others and we need not be so smug ourselves for our faith too is so meager despite all You have done for us.

Increase my faith my Beloved more and more each day.

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