Thursday, April 16, 2015

Acts 5:27-33, Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20, John 3:31-36


Acts 5:27-33, Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20, John 3:31-36

Acts 5:27-33

My Beloved, the truth is often unpalatable because the revelation of our sins displays us in a most unsavory light. This is why dishonest people react with such hatred and violence when their true self is unveiled and put on display for all to see. In order to hide under a camouflage of deceit they try to repress those who unflinchingly stand up for the truth. They ban, they make unjust laws, and enforce them by foul and violent means. The truth on the hand cannot be hidden - by its very nature it rises and shines brightly and all who testify to the Truth live in its light and grace as the Apostles and early Christians and Christians down the ages have done.

Peter, our first Pope spoke wisely when he said, "It is better for us to obey God than men". He proceeded to speak boldly of the crime that they had all colluded together to commit, Your cruel crucifixion and death but the power of God continues to draw the most powerful good through it - the salvation and redemption of the whole world. It got the same response that is elicited to this day, demonic rage with a murderous desire to kill those who stand for You who we profess to be the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Psalm 34:2, 9, 17-20

I will bless the Lord all my days;
his praise will be ever on my lips.
Oh, see and taste the goodness of the Lord!
Blessed is the one who finds shelter in him!
The Lord hears the cry of the righteous
and rescues them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves the distraught.
Many are the troubles of the just,
but the Lord delivers them from all.

John 3:31-36

My Beloved, God sent you into the world so that whoever believes in you will be born again through water and the Holy Spirit. We have a share in your life - the life of God and the Holy Spirit.  To the children of men has been revealed the secrets of the Kingdom of God and believing in these divine truths, revealed by You who are one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we too come to the knowledge of the truth.

We accept Your testimony witnessed to us through Your life, passion, death and glorious resurrection.  We believe You were sent by God and after returning to Him You have poured upon Your Church the fullness of Your Holy Spirit who is Your Gift to us.  To You the Father has given all, entrusting to You all that is, was and ever shall be, the visible and invisible, thrones,, dominions and principalities are all Your to reign over and command for this is the Father's good pleasure.  All who are privileged to believe receive eternal life.

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