Monday, October 19, 2009

Romans 4:20-21, Luke 1:73-75

Romans 4:20-21
Abraham did not doubt nor did he distrust the promise of God, and by being strong in faith, he gave glory to God; he was convinced that He who had given the promise had power to fulfil it.
My Beloved, the greater my knowledge of You the better will I be able to understand and grasp all the implications that Your incarnation, passion death and resurrection means for me - for my life and salvation; the better will I be able to walk in the freedom of a child of God.
Luke 1:73-75
The  oath He swore to Abraham, to deliver us from the enemy, that we may serve Him fearlessly as a holy and righteous people all the days of our life.
God has sworn an oath and He can be trusted to keep it.  Fear or anxiety can have no place in the life of one who truly believes that we are children of God.  Only love, the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for each other and for us who are only specks in the universe, can raise us to the dignity of  being called children of God adopted by the Father, redeemed by the Son and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

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