Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24, Psalm 48:2-4 & 9-11, Mark 6:7-13

Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24, Psalm 48:2-4 & 9-11, 
Mark 6:7-13

Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24

My Beloved, nothing in the past no matter how great has prepared us for what You have accomplished for us. In the past God appeared to His people in various ways - through a burning bush, through a fiery pillar of cloud, God's voice thundered and struck terror in men's hearts. But there has not been nor will there ever be anything like this. You brought heaven down to earth on our altars. The heavenly Jerusalem is already in our midst Angels descend from heaven and join in our Liturgies as we praise and worship God. You provide Yourself as he Lamb without blemish offering to God an eternal and perfect Sacrifice as Your anointed priests, offer in Your Name, the once for all Sacrifice as atonement for the sins of the world.

God has made a New Covenant of Love with us and it is sealed in Your Blood.  We are not yet citizens of heaven but we taste it in every Eucharistic celebration as we walk through this valley of tears to the place we shall one day dwell with You in peace and happiness eternally.

Psalm 48:2-4 & 9-11

My Beloved, when we gather as a community of believers to praise and worship You who are all worthy and deserving of our love, we are in the Kingdom of God established by You. It is founded on the Rock and no harm shall ever come to it. In You we are kept safe, in You we have the freedom of the children of God. Set high on a mountain, Your Church serves as a beacon of hope to all who desire to shelter in safety beneath her wings. 

All that God had promised in the past, all the marvellous things foretold have found their perfect fulfillment in You. United in love with the God of love and with each other we are Your Body one with You we offer the one Sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. We are victorious in Your victory and we rejoice in all that you have accomplished for us.  Thank You!

Mark 6:7-13

My Beloved, here we see how You call Your disciples to mission, equip them with everything they need. Instruct them on how to act so they will not be confused. They were not defenseless for You armed them with knowledge, truth, power and authority. 

First You called them, then You sent them in twos not alone for we need friendship, companionship and someone to give witness to what each accomplished. You gave them Your authority over the spiritual realm. They were not to burden themselves with things but travel lightly so they could cover more territory and not worry or be weighed down by possessions. They were to trust in providence for food carrying no money with them as security- God Himself would be their security. 

They were to be content - eating what is placed before them. They were not to be troubled if they were received unkindly or rejected. It is God's business how He would deal with them. They were to be at peace and leave quietly shaking the dust off our sandals before moving along. Their response was to go out in obedience to proclaim the Good News of repentance and forgiveness of sins. Sin so often is the reason for all our spiritual and physical ills - demons fled at their word and bodies were restored to health.

The Church Your ministers and Your faithful continue this glorious mission and will do so until You come again. Maranatha Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

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