Thursday, May 21, 2015

Acts:30, 23:6-11, Psalm 17:1-2, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26


Acts:30, 23:6-11, Psalm 17:1-2, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26

Acts:30, 23:6-11

My Beloved, one thing is certain those who stand for You and the Truth can expect to be arrested and hauled before the courts but You have assured us that we ought not to prepare our defense for the Holy Spirit will come to our aid. 

St. Paul was aware that if he spoke about the resurrection both the Pharisees and Sadducees would be at each others throats since the Sadducees did not believe in it, nor did they believe in angels and spirits, while the Pharisees did and so as expected a fierce and violent battle broke out between the two parties. It was always Your plan for Paul to take the message of the Good News of our salvation to the Gentiles in Rome.

Let us never become despondent when troubles come, for through it all, Your will and Your purpose for our lives will be accomplished.

Psalm 17:1-2, 5, 7-11

My Beloved, the psalmist rightly reminds us that we only need You as our Defender. You will always hear and come to our aid. You who judge rightly will hasten to protect us from the wiles of the enemy. Thank You for the grace we receive through the Sacraments which helps us to stand firm and not stumble in the face of temptation. Verse 8 assures me that You "Keep me as the apple of your eye; under the shadow of your wings hide me.""Keep me as the apple of your eye; under the shadow of your wings hide me."

I know that You are my Protector. I can trust You to hide me in the shelter of Your wings where no harm will ever come to me.

John 17:20-26

My Beloved there is no prayer more glorious and beautiful than this prayer You prayed to Your Father before You offered Yourself as the Sacrificial Lamb on the Altar of the Cross as the  perfect Victim for our sins.  Long before we who now believe in You were born You prayed for us as well as for the Apostles, disciples and all who believed, were saved and in turn handed down the faith from generation to generation.

Before the foundations of the world was laid You had a place of glory with the Father. You were eternally One with each other and You desire that we who are the Father's gift to You may share in this unity You. We who believe in Your Name will be caught up in the love and the glory of the Trinity eternally.  How great You are Beloved and how worthy of our love, praise, thanksgiving, adoration and worship. 

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