Sunday, August 9, 2015

1 Kings 19:4-8, Ephesians 4:30,5:2, Psalm 34:2-9, John 6:41-51


1 Kings 19:4-8, Ephesians 4:30,5:2, Psalm 34:2-9, John 6:41-51

1 Kings 19:4-8

My Beloved, You never leave us or forsake us as Elijah and so many have discovered. When we are afraid You reassure us of Your Presence and send angels to minister to us. Life’s journey from birth to death to eternity can be long and arduous we would not be able to reach our home in heaven if You did not make provision for us as God made provision for the prophet Elijah. The food he was given sustained him for 40 days and nights. You too provide us with food for the journey from earth to heaven. The most Holy Eucharist provides us with all the grace and strength we need from here to the hereafter.
Thank You Father for Your desire to feed us with the Body and Blood of Your only beloved Son. When we eat and drink the flesh and blood of the Son of God we receive His life and for a while we are in heaven. Thank You Holy Spirit for coming down upon the gifts we offer You and for giving it back to us as Jesus, our Lord and our God so we can be nourished us in heart, mind, soul, body and spirit.

Ephesians 4:30-- 5:2

My Beloved, we can strive to imitate God by imitating You. St. Paul tells us how to life holy lives pleasing to God. We are to refrain from every malice, quarrels, rage, anger and insults. Often we are so sensitive that when our self esteem or pride is wounded we want to wound in return. It takes self-control to keep the hurtful retort from escaping our lips for this we need grace which You provide amply in the Sacraments. Through the Gift of Your Holy Spirit who lives in us through the Sacrament of Baptism marking us children of God we are able to draw on the grace He makes available in order to be pleasing to You.

We do not grope in the dark – You show us the way to heaven and to God. Just as You gave Yourself up for us, becoming the sacrificial victim on the Altar of the Cross whose fragrance continually rises to the highest heavens pleasing God so too must we emit the same fragrance because we are made one with You at every Eucharist.

Psalm 34:2-9

My Beloved, I am privileged to see and taste Your goodness everyday when I receive You in the Holy Eucharist. You are my shelter, my refuge and my shade. You have appointed Your angels to have charge of me to keep me from the snares of the evil one. You hear my cry and You make haste to help me because You love me. I will bless You all the days of my life, Your praise will be always on my lips. I will boast of Your goodness, mercy and love and like Mother Mary will strive to magnify You in my life.

Thank You for being Emmanuel – God with me.

John 6:41-51

My Beloved, we have Your Word, the Word of the Living God in these beautiful verses. “I am the living bread which has come from heaven; whoever eats of this bread will live forever. The bread I shall give is my flesh and I will give it for the life of the world.” When we are one with You in the Holy Eucharist we are also one with the Father and the Holy Spirit since You are One God. I believe my Beloved and because I do You promise that I will receive eternal life. You became incarnate of the Virgin in accordance with the will of God in order to teach us the things of God and to show us the Way back home to the Father’s house.

We cannot grasp the things of God or the mind of God with just human reason. God is beyond our human grasp we can only experience Him in mystery, in the Eucharist, in Scripture, in the Church and in the Sacraments You instituted and in each other.

Thank You my Beloved that You are not the Unknown God to us – we know You, we love You, we eat and drink Your flesh and blood and we are made one with the God of love. The greatest Gift of all Beloved is the Eucharist. Thank You!

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