Sunday, November 1, 2015

Rev 7:2-4, 9-14, 1 John.3:1-3, Psalm 24:1-6, Matthew 5:1-12



Rev 7:2-4, 9-14,   1 John.3:1-3,  Psalm 24:1-6,  Matthew 5:1-12

Rev 7:2-4, 9-14

My Beloved, all who bear the seal of Baptism are marked for heaven. We are saved by You Blood. You were sent into the world by the Father to become the Gateway through which we enter the Kingdom of God. Through Your pierced side You tore the curtain that separate man from God. Every day, from moment to moment we are called to die to sin, this daily martyrdom of the flesh is possible only because You provide the grace necessary for us to choose life over death.

Thank You for the powerful witnesses of the saints who have gone before us who intercede for us before Your glorious throne and someday our own praises will join with theirs as we too enter that glorious rest in You eternally. 

1 John.3:1-3

My Beloved, it is all the plan of our loving Father that His love for us was to be made manifest by sending You into the world, Your obedience to His will that You become sin so we may become righteous. That You taste our death in order that we enter into Your life. What perfect love the Father has for us that He has given us so glorious a Redeemer. We have hope of eternal life because You took on death and defeated it. We have victory over the world, the flesh and the devil because You gained that victory for us. Thank You for renewed hope in the hereafter.

Psalm 24:1-6

My Beloved, we could not stand sinless before You if You did not make it possible for us to do so in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This is a Sacrament of new beginnings. No matter how many times I fall and no matter how low I sink, grace makes it possible to repent, confess and be forgiven. You know that I am weak and I am prone to sin. You understand for You were a Man Yourself, You were tempted in every way that we are tempted and when we cry out to You for help You hasten to us and wash us clean in Your precious Blood. Thank You.

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