Hebrews 10:19-25, Psalm 24:1-6, Mark 4:21-25
Hebrews 10:19-25
My Beloved, no one can enter the Holy of Holies except through You, no one can enter the presence of God except those who enter into Your Body and passing through You are permitted to stand before Him. We are cleansed in Your Blood, forgiven from all sin and made pure through the merits You have gained for us.
We have placed our hope in You and You will never disappoint for You are a faithful God. Teach me, lead me, instruct me, walk with me and help me to seek to do the good that You always prompt me to do and to case aside all that is unworthy in one who is called beloved by God. Teach me to be faithful as You are faithful. Help me to grant the comfort that You desire me to give as I live and move and have my being in You. Keep me ever mindful of my days here and of my eternal destiny with You in the hereafter.
He who dwells in the presence of the Lord has God for a Friend.
Psalm 24:1-6
My God, all that is on earth and all who dwell in it belong to You. Set on the ocean of Your mercy and grafted firmly on You through the waters of baptism. As the Eternal High Priest, You ascend the Holy Mountain of God to offer the Sacrifice of the Lamb without blemish and it's fragrance is pleasing to God. You receive the prayers and worship of all and with Your own prayers for us, You make intercession on our behalf.
We too have clean hands and a pure heart through the healing waters of our baptism and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our heart and mind, our body and our soul belong to You alone.
Mark 4:21-25
---- Mine, I am the Light of the world and I have given you a share of my own light so that I may shine through you and dispel the darkness around you. It is meant to bring hope and encouragement to those who come to you. It is not meant to be hidden because of your fear or lack of confidence in yourself rather it is meant to be raised aloft to guide others to the Source of the Light. Nothing can hide from my light every secret is exposed. Light illumines the Truth and direct the feet of those who walk in it.
Heed my word. Obey it. Live it. My Word is spirit and life. As much as you give whether in small measure or large you will receive. You have received all you need to be my disciple what you do with it will determine whether you can be trusted with more. If you are not faithful even that which you have will be taken from you and given to another who is more ready and willing to serve. Only the good and faithful servant will enter my rest.