Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hebrews 10:19-25, Psalm 24:1-6, Mark 4:21-25


Hebrews 10:19-25, Psalm 24:1-6, Mark 4:21-25

Hebrews 10:19-25

My Beloved, no one can enter the Holy of Holies except through You, no one can enter the presence of God except those who enter into Your Body and passing through You are permitted to stand before Him. We are cleansed in Your Blood, forgiven from all sin and made pure through the merits You have gained for us. 

We have placed our hope in You and You will never disappoint for You are a faithful God. Teach me, lead me, instruct me, walk with me and help me to seek to do the good that You always prompt me to do and to case aside all that is unworthy in one who is called beloved by God. Teach me to be faithful as You are faithful. Help me to grant the comfort that You desire me to give as I live and move and have my being in You.  Keep me ever mindful of my days here and of my eternal destiny with You in the hereafter.

He who dwells in the presence of the Lord has God for a Friend.

Psalm 24:1-6

My God, all that is on earth and all who dwell in it belong to You. Set on the ocean of Your mercy and grafted firmly on You through the waters of baptism. As the Eternal High Priest, You ascend the Holy Mountain of God to offer the Sacrifice of the Lamb without blemish and it's fragrance is pleasing to God.  You receive the prayers and worship of all and with Your own prayers for us, You make intercession on our behalf.

We too have clean hands and a pure heart through the healing waters of our baptism and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our heart and mind, our body and our soul belong to You alone.

Mark 4:21-25

---- Mine, I am the Light of the world and I have given you a share of my own light so that I may shine through you and dispel the darkness around you.  It is meant to bring hope and encouragement to those who come to you. It is not meant to be hidden because of your fear or lack of confidence in yourself rather it is meant to be raised aloft to guide others to the Source of the Light. Nothing can hide from my light every secret is exposed. Light illumines the Truth and direct the feet of those who walk in it. 

Heed my word. Obey it. Live it.  My Word is spirit and life. As much  as you give whether in small measure or large you will receive.  You have received all you need to be my disciple what you do with it will determine whether you can be trusted with more. If you are not faithful even that which you have will be taken from you and given to another who is more ready and willing to serve.  Only the good and faithful servant will enter my rest.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hebrews 10:11-18, Psalm 110:1-4,Mark 4:1-20



Hebrews10:11-18, Psalm 110:1-4,Mark 4:1-20 


My Beloved, every sacrifice other than the One and only pleasing and acceptable Sacrifice offered to the Father, is worthless.  If the blood of every animal was slain and offered it would not take away the punishment due to sin but it took one single Sacrifice made by the Son of God- the spilling of the Blood of the Son of Man in one single Sacrifice has brought those who are sanctified to what is perfect forever. The Father received it and we are no justified and forgiven by You who has poured Your Holy Spirit into our hearts and God's law of love is inscribed indelibly on it.

Psalm 110:1-4

The foe is crushed, the enemy is annihilated and we are witnessing the death throes of evil. You have won the victory and the end of the wicked is at hand. To You the Father has given the mighty sceptre and all authority and rule is given to You. Your Name is exalted above all others. Born of the Father from all time, one with Him from all eternity, He has anointed You as High Priest forever and as all creations worships You You lead all in worship of God.

Blessed be the Name of God who made heaven and earth.

Mark 4:1-20 

My Beloved, grant that I may always listen and having heard may I take Your Word to heart and may it bear abundant and lasting fruit even to a hundred fold for the glory and Kingdom of God.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hebrews 10:1-10, Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-8, 10-11, Mark 3:31-35


Hebrews 10:1-10, Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-8, 10-11, Mark 3:31-35 

Hebrews 10:1-10

My Beloved, the law of the Old Testament only hinted at what God truly wanted to do for us. Everything that He asked of His chosen beginning with Abraham and leading up to Zachariah and John the Baptist was the prelude to the wonderful thing He had planned. Something never heard, never imagined, never conceived in the mind of man; that would demonstrate to the people He created in love, once and for all, His desire to reveal His perfect love for us.

Although God's chosen people rejected You they too can no longer offer the sacrifice of bulls and goats. The only temple in which they could offer such sacrifices no longer stands.  The Church is now the new Temple of God. You presented Yourself as the new and spotless Lamb of Sacrifice and having been slain, You offered to the Father the only pleasing and acceptable once for all sacrifice that takes away the sin of the world. Verse 10"Now, by this will of God, we are sanctified once and for all by the sacrifice of the body of Christ Jesus."

Praise the Lord now and forever!

Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-8, 10-11

My Beloved, every response to God's call beginning with the first call to Abraham and until the last yes to Him, all are united into the one perfect 'Yes' that You said to the Father. This matchless 'Yes' was made possible only because Mary said 'Yes." 

"Here I am Lord, I come to do Your will" is the most pleasing response we can make to the Father. You have given us a new song of praise to God in redeeming us according to the plan and will of the Father.

You offered the perfect sacrifice replacing every other inadequate and imperfect sacrifice. You presented Yourself in the place of Isaac and every other poor animal substitute saying, 'Behold I come!" The justice for sin has been made and God is faithful in keeping His promises. The new assembly of God now worships His in spirit and in truth and the Blood of the Lamb is poured upon us cleansing us from every sin and enabling us to enter the Holy of Holies with You into the Presence of the Most High God and He accepts us and the sacrifice of our own lives because of what You have merited for us.

Thank You! 

Mark 3:31-35

My Beloved, every time we say 'yes' to the will of God we proclaim to the world that we are indeed members of the family of God.  Your own 'yes' to the will of God would not have been possible if Mary, Your Mother did not first say 'yes'  to His will.  It is truly beneath anyone who claims to be a Christian and uses these verses as an argument to diminish Your Mother whose 'yes' besides Your own, reached that sublime perfection of obedience when she submitted her whole being to the Father. Her 'yes' mysteriously united with Your own making her consent one with Your own from the moment she conceived You and until You gave up Your Spirit to the Father.

As the soldier pierced Your Body, the sword mysteriously and simultaneously was driven into her heart uniting her with Your sacrifice and making her the Mother of the entire human race.

Mary, Mother of God and our Mother pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Monday, January 26, 2015

2 Timothy 1:1-8, Psalm 96:1-3, 7-8, 10, Mark 3:22-30


2 Timothy 1:1-8, Psalm 96:1-3, 7-8, 10, Mark 3:22-30

2 Timothy 1:1-8

My Beloved, grace mercy and peace cannot be obtained through any means but as gifts from God. They are poured upon us freely according to the infinite merits You won for us on the Cross.

All of us are called like Paul to be Your apostles and ambassadors. We do not call ourselves, nor do we commission ourselves, hands are laid on Your anointed and sent forth in Your Name to bring the Good News of the Gospel to the poor  The Gospel of love and liberation, and freedom from the oppression of sin.

Although faith is a gift we cannot take it for granted but have to nurture it and exercise it in order that it may grow in authenticity and power. Once called by God we must forget ourselves, we do not look on our weaknesses, we cannot shrink because we think we are inadequate. Of course we are  if we look to ourselves for strength; but we don't have to, we just throw ourselves with full confidence into the mission, trusting God to grant us all we need to accomplish the work that is His.

Lord God my Beloved help me to take my gaze away from my limitations and focus on You, trusting that You will provide everything I need to labor for Your kingdom and Your glory.

Psalm 96:1-3, 7-8 & 10

My Beloved, we are a people of praise because we are a resurrection people and alleluia is our song as St. John Paul II rightly said,  We are redeemed, we are saved, no longer in captivity we have received kinship through You and we now dare to call Your Father our Father.  This is the Good News that must be always on our lips as we recall the wonders that You have done for us.  We each have  a compelling story that is uniquely our own and we must tell it so that the faith of our hearers will increase. We must give God all the glory for every good thought, word, deed and inspiration because they all originate in You and are granted to us through  Your Spirit. The Father desires that His children live in the fullness of Joy. You are the only King and Your everlasting rule has been established in the hearts of all who believe.

Mark 3:22-30

My Beloved, what unnerved the teachers of the law was the power You had over demons.  All the other miracles of healing of the body they could accept but nothing states more clearly that You had authority when at Your Word people enslaved by the evil one for years were finally set free.  They had to acknowledge that there was something great at work here but being hypocrites and knowing that if they said out loud what they believed in secret, they would have to concede that You indeed came from God because all that You did provide it.  The preaching and teaching with authority and the power to heal heart, mind, soul, body and spirit all said that You were indeed the Son of God and the longed for Messiah that the people of Israel had waited for.

But all they could think about was themselves and their fear that in affirming and acknowledging You they would be diminished - pride,and self centeredness kept them from declaring the truth.  You knew their weaknesses, You were prepared to overlook and forget their insults directed at You. You even went so far as to say the even insults to Your Father could be forgiven but to deliberately and knowingly attribute the work of God as that of Satan the father of lies was a sin so heinous against the Holy Spirit that You called it the unpardonable sin the consequences of which is eternal damnation. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jonah 3:1-5, 10, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Psalm 25:4-9, Mark 1:14-20


Jonah 3:1-5, 10, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Psalm 25:4-9, 
Mark 1:14-20

Jonah 3:1-5, 10

My Beloved, our God is a God of second chances.  He did not give up on Jonah though he had messed up the first time You had a mission for him and even though he ran away at first you chastised him and then entrusted him again with the mission to carry Your Word to the people of Nineveh.  He was a reluctant prophet but he did as You asked and he announced Your message  He spoke Your message with such power and conviction that all believed from the greatest to the least and they repented of their sins.

When God saw how sorry the people were He did not destroy them as He had planned because God's desire is not the destruction of the sinner but his salvation and so He had compassion and relented.

Beloved! give me a heart that is filled with tender mercy and compassion like Your Own.

1 Corinthians 7:29-31

My Beloved, here is a sober warning, "Time is running out." and "The order of the world is vanishing." We only have today, this moment to do all we can, be all we can according to the call we have all received.  We are bearers of the Good News, we are the leaven in the world, we are the peacemakers, we are Your herald. Help us not to be reluctant prophets like Jonah but let us joyfully, obediently and faithfully shine Your light wherever we are.

Psalm 25:4-9

My Beloved, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and Your Words is beauty and justice. Swifter than an arrow and sharper than a double edged sword it carries with it God's purpose and fulfills all it was meant to.  After Your perfect submission to the will of the Father He has raised You up. To You has been given dominion, power authority and majesty. Your reign is everlasting and in the end You will judge the living and the dead according to their deeds for You are the righteous One and God's anointed, the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

To You we offer our worship, our prayers, our adoration and our homage for You are God.

Mark 1:14-20

My Beloved, every true follower must change from old sinful ways and believe the Good News of salvation. Unless we do this we are not Your disciples. Conversion is at the heart of genuine discipleship. Conforming to the values of the Kingdom is not an option but a requirement. When You called the first apostles, unlike Jonah their response was immediate. They left everything behind, home, family, livelihood, security and comfort and without a backward glance followed You.

You called, they heard and they promptly left what they were doing and came after You. Give me the same courage my Lord not to look back now that I have put my hand to the plow. There is no room in the Kingdom for those who close their ears to Your call.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Hebrews 8:6-13, Psalm 85:8, 10-14, Mark 3:13-19


Hebrews 8:6-13, Psalm 85:8, 10-14, Mark 3:13-19

Hebrews 8:6-13

My Beloved, You are the New Covenant that God our Father makes with His people sealed in Your Blood in this way You have now become the only acceptable Mediator between God and man - there is no other. For this is the will of God that all are saved by You, that all are brought to perfection through Your Holy Spirit and that in You and through You alone we will attain eternal life.  The Old Covenant was made between God and sinful man it could never accomplish Scythian lasting because it was made with sinners who constantly forgot that they were chosen from all nations to be the people of God.

In You who are the New Covenant that unites man to God , it is Your Holy Spirit in us that enable God to write His law of love in our hearts so we will never forget what God has done for us in making You the bridge that enables us gain access to the Father.

Psalm 85:8, 10-14

My Beloved, when we look at the world today there seems to be only evil, conflict, greed and hate. The future looks bleak because all that is true and good seems to be lost in this culture of hedonism and violence that we live in.  But the Word of God is true and what God has accomplished and established with man through You to ensure our salvation makes everything that we around us at evil's last stand.

When the Father sent You into the world it was because as the God of Justice when He stooped down low from the heavens He wanted to meet goodness and faithfulness to Your Law so His righteous justice would be satisfied.  The God of Love sent Love to earth so Faithful Filial Love would meet Fatherly Love and bring about peace through the merits that You have won on our behalf by becoming life in us and offering Your Life in exchange for ours. In You we receive all that is good, perfect and eternal and we live in Your peace - a peace the world cannot give.

Mark 3:13-19

My Beloved, the one true thing to remember always is that it is You who call and those who receive the call must leave everything as the apostles did and follow You. It is not always easy for many reasons one of them surely being that one is not capable or perhaps not really sure that they can commit but when it becomes clear that You indeed desire to entrust us with a special mission, the loving and obedient response is always, "Here I a Lord, I come to do Your will."

The twelve You chose were from all walks of life, simple people. Some were called to play a more visible, more prominent role than the others. What each was entrusted with is not as important as that they each did exactly what You wished them to do. They were faithful, loyal, available and willing. Make me an apostle with the heart, mind and will of the men You chose Beloved even though the task that You entrust me with be small for I am only Your little nothing.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17, Psalm 110:1-4, Mark 3:1-6


Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17, Psalm 110:1-4, Mark 3:1-6

Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17

My Beloved, here we have this mysterious Melchizedek King of Salem who is a priest of the Most High God.  He appeared to Abraham out of nowhere.  He is a king yet it does not say of which nation, there is no mention of who was king before him and whom will come after him.

Salem means peace and Melchizedek means justice and once we know these two details we can identify this king and High Priest - the King of Peace, the King of Justice is the Son of God who was born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God begotten not made consubstantial with the Father.  You received Your priesthood and Your mission as the Messiah from the Father and through you humble submission and perfect obedience in fulfilling this mission, You have won for Yourself people of all time and of every generation.  All acclaim You as their King and Lord.

Psalm 110:1-4

My Beloved, it was always the Father's intention when He created man that this creature made in the image and likeness of God, once redeemed by You would love, adore, worship and above all, belong to You so intimately that we formed one body inseparably united with You.  You have crushed the Enemy on the Cross and You once every evil power already subject to You is overcome, You will take Your place at the Father's right hand and all dominion authority and power will be subject to You and will worship You alone.

In the Nicene Creed we profess that You are begotten not made consubstantial with the Father vs 7b Like dew from the womb of the dawn  so You are of the Father. Our Eternal High Priest who offers to the Father the only sacrifice pleasing to Him - that of Himself, the Lamb of God, Victim for our sins that purifies us and makes us acceptable to the Father for the sake of His Son.

Mark 3:1-6

My Beloved, it was the Sabbath, you entered the synagogue and the man with the withered hand was already there.  Had he heard of Your miracles of healing and hoped for a miracle himself? Did others bring him knowing that You would heal him and it being the Sabbath they waited with eager, malicious expectation to trap and accuse of doing what was unlawful on the Sabbath?

What irony Beloved they were certain You could and would heal but they were oblivious to the fact that You manifested such awesome power. Their narrow, insular minds could only focus on the fact that a law was broken - a cold meaningless law that would rather desire death than life. You were going to heal the man exactly as they had anticipated - but You were not going to play their silly game.  You called the man, asked him to stand in the centre, made sure every gaze was on both him and on You and then You asked them a pertinent question. If they were honest , if they knew the spirit and the heart of the law, they would have spoken up and agreed that it is always lawful to do good rather than harm, to save rather than kill. But they stubbornly refused to answer for then their duplicity would be exposed. 

You saw their hard hearts, their lack of compassion and You were both angry and sad. How often we too feel this Lord when we look at the world. Help us not to get frustrated or become cynical, rather let us continue to repay good for evil and love for hatred thus living out our faith just as fearlessly and courageously as You did.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hebrews 2:14-18, Psalm 105:1-4, 6-9, Mark 1:29-39

Hebrews 2:14-18, Psalm 105:1-4, 6-9, Mark 1:29-39

Hebrews 2:14-18

You my Beloved, have wrested from Satan the only power he had - death. Taking upon Yourself our human nature in order to into into humanity, You willingly made the only sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to the Father until You come again. The only sacrifice that has the power to free us from the fear of death, the bondage of sin and break the shackles of addiction to sin. Our fears confine - Your sacrificial love makes of Yourself the only and perfect victim that can restore to God that which He had created for His glory.

Verse 16 reminds that You came into the world to take by the hand, not the angels but the human race. You became like us in every way save sin in order to take our lace before God and offer to Him Your Body and Blood in atonement for the sins of the world.

Having drunk deep of the cup of suffering You alone can bring healing and comfort to a sin stricken suffering world.

Psalm 105:1-4, 6-9

My Beloved, the whole purpose of my life on earth is to thank You for the gift of life that has been given to me.  A life that is eternal which began in the mind and heart of God, was born into the world and at the end of it brief sojourn on earth will return to God.  This is my glorious destiny made more glorious because of what You have done.  Death entered the world through Satan but we receive life through You.  Our strength and our joy comes from our knowledge of all God has done for us thorough You.

You are the song we sing, Your Name is the praise on our lips.  We look to You as You make Yourself present on our altars and in our tabernacles so we can as verse 4 says look to the Lord and be strong as we seek Your face.

Thank You for the eternal covenant You have made with man.  Thank You for Your everlasting promises that have all been fulfilled in You. 

Mark 1:29-39

My Beloved, You enter the homes of Your disciples and share their daily humdrum lives, and get involved in all their troubles bringing comfort and healing and above all Your saving Presence. You touch all the members of our household those who are sick You take by the hand as You took the hand of Peter's mother-in-law and raised her up bring health, strength and healing.  Joy and enthusiasm are restored and renewed and we continue to work beside You.

Once we accept Your invitation to discipleship You enter our homes and touch ever member of our household we then open our homes, or neighborhood, our town so all can come to You without hindrance and experience Your healing in heart, mind, soul, body and spirit. Having experience You we must allow all whom we know to encounter You as well.  You showed us how we can always be charged and energized it is by frequently and faithfully retiring alone with you to pray and be filled with the power of Your Holy Spirit.

True disciples will always seek You, obey You and follow You. the work of a disciple is never done. We need to go to the ends of the earth so all will have the joy of knowing You and loving You as well. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hebrews 2:5-12, Psalm 8:2, 5-9, Mark 1:21-28


Hebrews 2:5-12, Psalm 8:2, 5-9, Mark 1:21-28

Hebrews 2:5-12

My Beloved, it was the Father's will that You experience the human condition in all its facets save sin. You were a Man like all men and You experienced all that we experience - poverty, hardship,  deprivation, hunger, thirst, betrayal of friends, the harsh and fierce elements of nature, weariness, anguish, physical pain, loss, persecution, rejection, suspicion, anger and even open hostility and enmity that bayed for Your Blood. Often You had to flee Your enemies who desired to kill You before the time appointed by God.

You did not just suffer but God willed to bring to perfection You who are perfect by lifting the cup of suffering to Your lips and bidding You drink to the last bitter dregs for no one could then dare to say that You did not know what it is to suffer. As always we benefit from Your tribulations. Now our suffering is made sweet and purposeful when we accept it for Your sake and unite it with the sufferings You gladly bore in order that You who became like us might in turn receive holiness and become like You.

For a while You became less than the angels so God could bestow on You You complete dominion over all things seen and unseen and You could grant us the privilege of becoming Your brothers and sisters, sons and daughter of the Most High God.

Psalm 8:2, 5-9

My Beloved, while it is true that God has given man dominion over all created things on earth, the sky and the seas as we can see by the giant scientific and technological advances that are being made, ultimate dominion is given to You who for a little while was made a little lower than the angels when You came as a Babe into the world.

Now seated in radiant splendor, glory and majesty at Your Father's right hand Your Name is so powerful that Satan and his minions tremble when it is uttered and it saves those who believe in it for it is a Name given to us and there is no other by which we can be saved.

Mark 1:21-28

My Beloved, even Satan and the evil spirits know who You are.  They recognize that You are God sent by God and before You they are powerless. You do not desire that we recognize You through the testimony of the devil but that we each discover this wonderful truth for ourselves. We recognize that You are the Son of God by the works You do, by the Words You speak, by the power of Your teaching and preaching. 

We are told that in verses 27-28 that, "All the people were astonished and they wondered, “What is this? With what authority he preaches! He even orders evil spirits and they obey him!” And Jesus’ fame spread throughout all the country of Galilee." While it is true that because of the wonderful miracles You worked You were recognized wherever You went yet, they did not shout out that You were indeed the Holy One of God.  In proclaiming this truth we will be required to align our life and our will to Yours and so we would rather deny, reject and crucify You than accept that You are our Lord and our God. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 96:1-2, 6-7 & 9, Mark 1:14-20


Hebrews 1:1-6, Psalm 96:1-2, 6-7 & 9, Mark 1:14-20

Hebrews 1:1-6

My Beloved, throughout the Old Testament and woven through the psalms we have this almost now you see it now you don't kind of impression of God's plans to save man. There are hints, promises, covenants, oaths sworn by God about all the wonderful things He is about to do. Patriarchs, prophets, kings bore a faint foreshadow of the One whose coming was imminent. The whole Old Testament is a sigh of longing for the One whom God would send.

When the time had finally come, the Eternal Word who had reposed in the bosom of the Father could no longer be contained and there was this awesome explosion of such glorious magnitude when that plan was revealed to a young virgin. The Son of God left the bosom of God the Father and stooped low in obedience and humility to enter the womb of Mary who was chosen to be Your Mother. Through the Presence and Overshadowing of the Father and the Holy Spirit and this overwhelming explosion of love we move to sublime and sacred silence for God is both glorious and majestic as well as humble and meek.

God created man because although each of the Persons in the Trinity needs nothing that can add or take away from the perfection of the love One for the Other, the Father wanted to draw us into the perfection of diving live. He knew we would stray but He also knew that Your love would have the power to save. Were it not for You my Beloved, God would have remained invisible and unknown to us and we would have no way of truly knowing and experiencing His love for us. 

Fulfilling all that the Father desired to accomplish through You He received You back to Himself where You now receive the love, adoration and worship of all men who have accepted You as their Lord, Savior and Redeemer. 

Psalm 96:1-2, 6-7 & 9

My Beloved, exalted in glory and majesty in the highest heavens where the Angels and Saints adore You for Your saving work of redemption, man too rejoices and exults in so glorious a Savior who lay down His life for His sheep.

To You has been given a Name above every other.  To You has been given the authority to judge all men and to the faithful who have completed their journey on earth is given the joy of seeing You face to face.  Exalted by the Father above all, we will sing praises to You Beloved all our days on earth and when they come to a close we will praise and adore You eternally in heaven, 

Mark 1:14-20

My Beloved, the mantle of faith is handed down from generation to generation to the next. As the faithful who have completed their journey on earth and return to God to receive their reward those who follow in their footsteps must continue the mission to spread the Good News.

After John the Baptist was arrested You began Your public ministry of bringing about the Kingdom of God in the world.  You announced that it was time to put aside the old ways of thinking and to begin believing in the One whom God had sent. 

Peter, Andrew, James and John were men who had a livelihood to earn and responsibilities to family members. They could have been so focused on these things that they would have missed the divine call or dismissed it as not meant for them. But there was something so compelling about the invitation and the One who called that they left everything and followed You.

In the midst of the mundane, everyday routine of our lives we must be attentive to Your voice and heed Your call to make You known to those around us. We are each called to do our part in building up the Kingdom of God. To those who belong to God's family is granted the privilege of knowing the Son and making Him known. God has no need for hired help when He has us, His adopted children, to work in His vineyard.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Isaiah 55:1-11, 1 John 5:1-9, Isaiah 12:2-6, Mark 1:7-11


Isaiah 55:1-11, 1 John 5:1-9, Isaiah 12:2-6, Mark 1:7-11

Isaiah 55:1-11

My Beloved, Your invitation is given to all.  In You is an abundance of all that is good and it is given freely to all who ask.  Nothing the world has to offer is comparable to what we receive from You.  When we eat, drink and feast at Your Banqueting table we will never hunger and thirst again. The empty promises of the world offers nothing that satisfies.  In You alone is life and the fullness of life is found in Your Word.

When Your Word issues forth from You it accomplishes all that God wills it to and it contains healing and strength, comfort and joy.  As long as we are alive and we have breath in our body we can seek You and find You and we can find a refuge in You. When we free ourselves of all the baggage we carry we can receive and be filled with the riches that You so long to give us.

The world weighs us down but the Spirit enables us to soar with You to heaven the place where You dwell and where all desire is satisfied.

1 John 5:1-9

My Beloved, faith is Your gift to us at our Baptism when we vow to turn away from the world the flesh and the devil and we are grafted on to You we become members of Your Body, the Church. In Baptism we are born of God and we receive the victory that You won for us on the Cross.

As children of God, we receive grace and blessing making it possible for us to obey God's will.  The will of the Father is that we believe that He sent You into the world so that we who were once dead in sin may receive new life in You.

Through the waters of the Jordan in which You were baptized, through the ignominious death Your suffered and the Blood You shed on the Cross and through the visible Presence of the Holy Spirit who rested over You as the voice of the Father thundered the proclamation that You were His Beloved Son in Whom He was well pleased, we receive the undeniable testimony that You have indeed come from God. You now invite us to share in Your Own divine life by being baptized into You, offering the sacrifice of our own lives in union with Yours and in sharing the same Holy Spirit, we now share Your Life as children of God.  We received death through Adam but we receive the fullness of life through You

Isaiah 12:2-6

My Beloved, it is only through Baptism that we receive the gift of faith and are saved.  We die to sin when we plunge into the waters and rise to newness of life in Your Resurrection.  Strengthened by the Bread which is Your Body and receiving from Your Holy Spirit streams of grace that enables us to obey and fulfill God's commands, we receive the joy that the world cannot give.  Our response to such undeserved love freely given to all who receive it we must rebound in glorious praise of You in all the circumstances of our lives.  Our praise purifies our desires and You my Beloved dwell in the midst of our praise.

Mark 1:7-11

My Beloved, just as our pride seals the gates and bars our entrance into heaven so does humility provide they key that will  unfailingly unlock it and permits us to enter in the holy Presence of God.

John knew exactly who he was in the scheme of God's plan and he knew the role he was called to play in it. Although he was a key player as You Yourself said, "Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist!" But You also affirmed, "Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." (Mt 11:11) John knew this well and of You he said, "After me comes one who is more powerful than I am; I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. As for me, I am not worthy to bend down and untie his sandals.”

Just like John, God has a special mission for each of us; a work that no other can do. It is a work for which God has equipped us giving us all we need to be faithful and fruitful as we fulfill it and do our part in establishing His Kingdom first in our own heart and then in the world.

John recognized You when You came to him to be baptized - the Sinless One clothed in the garment of humility that veiled Your divinity; when You entered our humanity and drank to the dregs the frailty of our human condition, in order that we might share in our glory.

Entering the waters of the Jordan You sanctified the waters of baptism the skies were rend open the Holy Spirit descended on You and earth glimpsed heaven for a brief moment in time as the Father's voice was heard, "You are my Son, the Beloved, the One I have chosen."

Saturday, January 10, 2015

1 John 5:14-21, Psalm 149:1-6, 9, John 3:22-30

1 John 5:14-21, Psalm 149:1-6, 9, John 3:22-30

1 John 5:14-21

My Beloved, the key here to receiving what we ask for is to ask that which is in accordance with Your will.  You will gladly grant us everything we ask for if what we ask for will help us fulfill the destiny for which we are created - heaven.  We know You always hear us, if You hear us we know we receive what we have asked for.  Born of God in Baptism and living a life of grace helps us avoid serious sin the sin that leads to death.  God's mighty protection covers His children who live in the Light of the Truth revealed in You, His Son.

We know we belong to God, we must have unshakable confidence in this truth.  Yes, we know that You came into the world and You redeemed it and You have poured out Your Holy Spirit  upon us so we can know and recognize the Truth that You are the Son of God the Anointed One sent by God as our Savior in Him alone and through Hm alone we receive eternal life,

Psalm 149:1-6, 9

My Beloved, we exist to praise God as do all created things.  This is our  purpose for being.  As long as we live our hearts must be filled with praise and this praise bubbling in our heart must rise to our lips and be expressed in song and music.  In joyful celebration.  Praising You must be such a force in our lives that we are constantly offering You joyful praise simply because our hearts cannot contain it and so our joy at the wonder of God.  We were created to praise and when we do, God delights to hears us and He grants success to all we do.  No matter how dark the night we will walk in Your Light and night and darkness will not dim our joy in You for we have You and Your Word and having these we are more than conquerors.  Alleluia!

John 3:22-30

Learn from Me to be meek and humble of heart.
Joy, my Beloved, is the mark of a true Christian.  Once again we receive the testimony of St. John the Baptist that he was only the precursor to the Christ, the Messiah the One whose sandals he said he was unworthy to unloose.  Reach of us has our own particular mission and we are called to prepare the way for You so those around us recognize You when You reveal Yourself and they will accept You as the Son of God and the Bridegroom of Your Church.

There must be no rivalry between those who serve God for as verse 27 says, "No one can take on anything except what has been given him from heaven."

From the first St.John made it plain that another, far greater than he was coming and now the he has testified to him and pointed him out it was time for him to decrease so You could increase.

We too must strive to decrease so that Your life in us can increase and fill us to overflowing.

Only the Bridegroom has the Bride, the Church, and she rejoices in belonging to You and being possessed by You.

Friday, January 9, 2015

1 John 5:5-13, Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20, Luke 5:12-16

1 John 5:5-13, Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20, Luke 5:12-16

1 John 5:5-13

My Beloved, how beautifully, powerfully and with such great clarity and simplicity the evangelist writes about eternal truths 
that it is perfectly apparent he was inspired by the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth.  We may be in the world but we who are Yours are not of it.  We are not touched by it because we are touched by Your Holy Spirit and with grace and we are animated by Him.  You have overcome the world and the powers of darkness.  It was for this that the Father sent You into the world as a Man in order that we may become children of God.  Your Baptism in the Jordan cleansed the waters of Baptism, the Blood You shed for us is now the 'Eternal Sacrifice' offered to the Father in expiation of our sins at every celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the power of the Holy Spirit that was the animating force with which You did all things in perfect accordance with the will of the Father, is the same Spirit that animates us when we are confirmed in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

We receive Your own life this is why we testify that we have received the same eternal life that is Your life in us.  God's favor rests on us who believe because we now belong to You on whom His favor has always rested.

Thank You for the new life we have received because we believe.

Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20

My Beloved, because we are grafted to Your Body we are members of Your Church.  You are her gate and no evil power or force can prevail against her for You are her strength and her shield.  You bless all who dwell in her and You give them peace that surpasses all understanding for it is a peace the world does not have and cannot give.

You feed us on the Eucharist which is Your own Body and Blood and You empower us with Your Word which is more powerful and effective than a double edged sword for it cuts right through the heart to the spirit and makes God's will known to us.

We are the city set high on a hilltop shedding Your Light in the world.

Luke 5:12-16

My Beloved, if we want to be effective in our vocation then like You, we must make ample opportunities to withdraw often to a solitary place to pray verse 16 "As for Jesus, he would often withdraw to solitary places and pray." You drew strength spending time alone with Your Father. You were one with Him in prayer and we too experience that same closeness when we pray.

In these verses the evangelist tells us of a leper who approached You for healing. The whole little narrative points clearly to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Leprosy represents sin which makes us unclean but when we approach the priest in this Sacrament of Healing, You reach out to us through the priest when we cry out, Lord, if You want to, You can me me clean." And the absolution received from You through Your ordained minister You say always, "Yes, I want it. Be clean." And in an instant we are cleansed and our souls are made whole again. But only when we show ourselves to the priest as You instructed the leper to do as well.

Thank You for this awesome Sacrament of Healing and grace.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

1 John 4:19---5:4, Psalm 72:1-2, 14-15 & 17, Luke 4:14-22


1 John 4:19---5:4, Psalm 72:1-2, 14-15 & 17,  Luke 4:14-22

1 John 4:19---5:4

My Beloved,  love - true love in every instance and circumstance will elicit a response.  It can either be accepted or rejected. But the lover loves the beloved freely and gives all.  The lover delights in pouring out himself without reserve and the beloved in turn returns love for love just as the Father and You love each other.

To love God and neighbour is not an option, it is a commandment.  We cannot love one and not love the other for true love of God makes it possible to loves ones neighbour.

Luke 4:14-22

My Beloved, when we receive the Holy Spirit we must trust Him implicitly to lead us where God wants us to go.  When we open our mouths to speak of You and Your work and life in us, we must open our lips and trust Him to supply the words.

When we speak, we must speak Your Word which is Spirit, Truth and Life.  We must lay claim to the same mission to which the Father sent You for it is our mission as well. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and new sight to the blind; to free the oppressed and announce the Lord’s year of mercy.” (Luke 18-19) The world is hungry and thirsty for the message of life that we have received and like St. Paul we must preach it or woe to us, or as the prophet Jeremiah has said,"His word in my heart becomes like a fire burning deep within my bones. I try so hard to hold it in, but I cannot do it."  Your Word when unspoken within us must become a consuming fire that our hearts cannot contain.  

Once You completed in all obedience, humility and perfection the mission the Father had given You He seated You at His right hand.  We too fix our gaze on You for we believe that all You have said is true.

There will always be those who will snidely say, "Who is this but Joseph's son." They think it gives them a plausible excuse to deny the Truth but those who do listen will be lost in wonder and awe and we will be filled as Your listeners were that day with the grace of God. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

1 John 4:11-18, Psalm 72:1-2, 10, 12-13, Mark 6:45-52


1 John 4:11-18, Psalm 72:1-2, 10, 12-13, Mark 6:45-52

1 John 4:11-18

My Beloved, the word love is used to cover a multitude of sins.  Is is used so loosely and lightly that it is easy to be deceived about the true nature of love it's origin, it's purpose, it's power, it's profound ability to make the greatest sacrifice even the sacrifice of laying down one's life for one's friend. This is God's love for us and love, true love, always evokes a response. It is never indifferent. When one discovers and experiences Your love, when one begins to fathom the greatness of the love of God for His creatures and when we have witnesses like the evangelist John testifying that they have seen Love, walked with Love, touched Love, lived with Love and heard Love speak and listen as He showed them what love is what loving truly means then we gasp in wonder and awe.

How do we know that God loves us?

We know it because He paid the ultimate price for our redemption - the price of the life of His Only Son. How could we not love such a God for deeming us worthy of such love! The best way we can show God we love Him is by loving each other as He desires us to.  If we are filled with the love of God loving our neighbor is easy for we will strive to see the Face of God in him.

How do  we know we have reached perfection in love?  When we are like the Beloved in all things and death holds no fear or dread.  If we cling to life in the world or if we love God out of fear and strive to do His will out of fear of punishment then we have never truly known God or allowed ourselves to experience the splendor of His wondrous love for us.

The surest way I know I love God is when I love my neighbor as I love myself.

Psalm 72:1-2, 10, 12-13

My Beloved, in a world where people are used, abused and discarded like yesterday's news especially the poor in order to support the greed of the powerful, these verses are a timely reminder that the Son of God is the King of Kings.  That all dominion and power belong to You and that in You the poor have a never failing Friend.  Anyone who looks to You for help will receive it and all who put their trust in You will not be disappointed.

Every life is precious in Your sight because Your life was paid as a ransom for each one and it is this that gives it its worth. Anyone who has treated another selfishly and destroyed life with no thought except of self, will have to stand before You when they are called to account as Cain was called to account for the murder of his brother Able.

The Good News is this - Your terrible justice is tempered with infinite mercy. If we are truly sorry for ever having offended You we will be saved.

Mark 6:45-52

Whatever good we do it is because the grace of the power of God is working in us. We do good and we leave. This must be our modus operandi. We do not linger in order to be patted on the back and praised. In fact, if there is any evidence of undue adulation for doing God's work, we must flee in the opposite direction for there is a danger of appropriating for ourselves the glory that is due to God alone.  This is why You sent Your disciples away. You put them into the boar while You Yourself went to be alone with Your Father to pray.  

Our eyes must always be fixed on You knowing that we receive the power to do great things because Your Spirit is at work in us.

Beloved, we are told in verse 45 that You 'made' or in another translation You 'obliged' Your disciples to get into the boat. The boat is a symbol of Your Church. Anyone who believes himself to be a disciple is obliged to get into the Boat - if he refuses he is not a true disciple. 

The reason why You did so is because You saw that the adulation of the crowd could go to their heads although it was undeserved and all glory was to be directed to God alone. You also see that only in the Barque of Peter will be be safe from the winds of evil that toss the world around. The night of sin makes it impossible to see our way. But in the Boat, no matter how dark the night or how terrible the storm, dawn will surely come and with it hope of a new day. The Lord's Day when You will ride the winds and walk victoriously over the turbulent waves and enter the Boat to claim Your Own for Yourself and all evil will be crushed under You heel with just a word of command.

Until now our minds are dull if we truly understood the Gift of God given to us through You and the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, we would strive to sin no more.

Help us Lord as we place all our hope and confidence in You.