Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sirach 42:15-25, Psalm 33:2-9, Mark 10:46-52


Sirach 42:15-25, Psalm 33:2-9, Mark 10:46-52

Sirach 42:15-25

My Beloved, all that God has created is good and fulfills His pupae. All things are designed according to His will and function to give Him glory. All wisdom and all knowledge are His, He commands and all obey. To do His will is the delight of His creatures for in it from the greatest to the least is found purpose, joy and fulfillment.   He has done all things well. 

Divine wisdom is imbued in all that is in the heavens, in the oceans, in the sky and on earth. All is held in His love and He gives life to all things.  He has need of no one and nothing for God is complete in Himself and yet He has willed to create us to reveal Himself to us in You and to give us a future and a hope in You and through You in Him eternally

Psalm 33:2-9

My Beloved, all praise is due to You always. To give You thanks in all things is right and fitting for You are God and You are worthy of all worship love and adoration. You created all things by Your Word and Your Word sustains all You have created from the greatest to the least. You breathe into us and give us life; take away Your breath and we return to dust. 

We are because You cause us to be and You have an eternal destination for those who love and honor You.  Praise You my Lord and my God forever.

Mark 10:46-52

My Beloved, Bartimaeus had no idea that his whole life was about to change that day. A complete metanoia was to occur once he encountered You.  

He was blind and dependent on the generosity of strangers for alms. He was sitting beside the road as usual when he heard the sound of an approaching excited crowd and when he inquired who was passing and was told it was You he began to shout as loud as he could to get Your attention. Today was his turn for a miracle and though the crowd tried to shut him up he would not be silenced. 

Verses 49-52 speak so vividly of what happened that day: "Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

This is the story of every disciple. You meet us where we are and when we desire more than the world can give You invite us into a deeper relationship with Yourself. We must articulate what it is that we want from You and the greater our faith in You the greater the the spiritual light and sight we receive. 

There is no turning back  once we have encountered You. A true disciple will go wherever You lead

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sirach 35:1-12, Psalm 50:5-8, 14 & 23, Mark 10:28-31


Sirach 35:1-12, Psalm 50:5-8, 14 & 23, Mark 10:28-31

Sirach 35:1-12

My Beloved, we usually come to you with a begging bowl requesting for favors and nothing else in these verses remind us not to come before You empty handed. We are called to offer You praise, adoration, worship and thanksgiving with hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for all You do for us. 

When we are called to give let us do so cheerfully, promptly and generously for You love a cheerful giver.

Psalm 50:5-8, 14 & 23

My Beloved, it is important that we give you thanks always.. You are God and e honor You with our praise. All we have comes from You for You are kind and merciful and are mindful of our needs and our dependency on You. May I never fail my Beloved to fulfill all that You ask of me and I will be pleasing to You 

Mark 10:28-31

My  Beloved, often we give in the hope of receiving. We also keep a careful note of what we have given and remind You just in case You may have overlooked little good deed we may have done How foolishly we act. No one can outdo You in generosity even a cold glass of water given in Your Name will heap blessings on us.  

Let us not worry about what return You will make to us for doing our duty. We can trust You to open the floodgates and throw wide open the treasuries of grace heaping blessing upon blessing upon us far outweighing any of our hopes and expectations. Thank You Beloved!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Sirach 17:20-24, Psalm 32:1-2, 5-7, Mark 10:17-27

Sirach 17:20-24, Psalm 32:1-2, 5-7, Mark 10:17-27

Sirach 17:20-24

Thank You my Beloved for these words of comfort and encouragement. You look down on us and You are aware of everything we do. You will reward generously any kindness we have shown to another.  You cherish a good deed like the apple of Your eye says verse 22b.

Thank You for assuring us that every repentant sinner will be forgiven and that Your abiding love is the reason for our hope in You, despite any difficulties we may face.

Psalm 32:1-2, 5-7

Once again my Beloved I have Your loving assurance in verses 6-7

So let the faithful ones pray
to you in time of distress;
the overflowing waters will not reach them.
You are my refuge;
you protect me from distress
and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Thank You for always hearing our prayers. When we are in distress and call on You we will receive Your mighty protection. No evil will touch us, terror will not overtake us. We who take refuge in You will sing for joy hymns of thanksgiving and praise for You are our God who saves us. Thank You.

Mark 10:17-27

My Beloved, most of us are like the rich man in today's Gospel. The man was eager to live a good life, pleasing to God but he was aware that something was lacking or he would not have come looking eagerly for You. We are told that having found You he ran up to You and knelt before You. He seemed to have done everything that was required of a genuine disciple. He did not know You were God this is why You tell him that only God is good. To his question about gaining eternal life, You give him the most obvious answer follow the commandments. But the man said that he had followed them faithfully since he was a child. 

Divinity gazed steadily into the soul of the man and You knew that here before You was one who truly desired to follow God closely. You then told him that if he truly desired to commit his life completely to God he was to strip himself of all his worldly possessions of which he was well endowed giving it all away to the poor and then come and follow You.  Sadly, the man found it too much. Whatever joy he had in first approaching You with such great fervor fizzled out and dried up like dew in the sun

His wealth possessed him and in choosing not to divest himself of his riches he chose to walk sadly away from You in abject spiritual poverty. He was unable to choose God and place himself in utter dependence on His mercy and generosity.

We are so like him and instead of wagging our fingers we ought to recognize ourselves in him. Much as we would like to live for You Beloved, unless You call us and give us all the grace we need to answer Your call, we too would not be saved. Thank You for the Sacraments the conduit of all graces that save us through You.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Acts:30, 23:6-11, Psalm 17:1-2, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26


Acts:30, 23:6-11, Psalm 17:1-2, 5, 7-11, John 17:20-26

Acts:30, 23:6-11

My Beloved, one thing is certain those who stand for You and the Truth can expect to be arrested and hauled before the courts but You have assured us that we ought not to prepare our defense for the Holy Spirit will come to our aid. 

St. Paul was aware that if he spoke about the resurrection both the Pharisees and Sadducees would be at each others throats since the Sadducees did not believe in it, nor did they believe in angels and spirits, while the Pharisees did and so as expected a fierce and violent battle broke out between the two parties. It was always Your plan for Paul to take the message of the Good News of our salvation to the Gentiles in Rome.

Let us never become despondent when troubles come, for through it all, Your will and Your purpose for our lives will be accomplished.

Psalm 17:1-2, 5, 7-11

My Beloved, the psalmist rightly reminds us that we only need You as our Defender. You will always hear and come to our aid. You who judge rightly will hasten to protect us from the wiles of the enemy. Thank You for the grace we receive through the Sacraments which helps us to stand firm and not stumble in the face of temptation. Verse 8 assures me that You "Keep me as the apple of your eye; under the shadow of your wings hide me.""Keep me as the apple of your eye; under the shadow of your wings hide me."

I know that You are my Protector. I can trust You to hide me in the shelter of Your wings where no harm will ever come to me.

John 17:20-26

My Beloved there is no prayer more glorious and beautiful than this prayer You prayed to Your Father before You offered Yourself as the Sacrificial Lamb on the Altar of the Cross as the  perfect Victim for our sins.  Long before we who now believe in You were born You prayed for us as well as for the Apostles, disciples and all who believed, were saved and in turn handed down the faith from generation to generation.

Before the foundations of the world was laid You had a place of glory with the Father. You were eternally One with each other and You desire that we who are the Father's gift to You may share in this unity You. We who believe in Your Name will be caught up in the love and the glory of the Trinity eternally.  How great You are Beloved and how worthy of our love, praise, thanksgiving, adoration and worship. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Acts 20:28-38, Psalm 68:29-30, 33-36, John 17:11-19


Acts 20:28-38, Psalm 68:29-30, 33-36, John 17:11-19

Acts 20:28-38

My Beloved, the Church, Your Body, is a sacred trust given by You to Peter and the Apostles who handed it down to those who came after them. You shed Your Blood for her members and countless others, faithful to You, to Your teachings and Your Word have likewise shed their blood and so it continues to this day. The Church was purchased at a price that no one can ever hope to repay. 

Ruthless wolves  from without the Church and even from within bay for the destruction of Your Church and her teaching which she received from You. She guards and defends it faithfully and teaches without error for this is what You have guaranteed through Your Holy Spirit.

Today truth is being corrupted by those in authority and power those with an evil agenda those who seek to replace innocence, beauty, wisdom and truth with lies, ugliness, depravity and knowledge is being used to corrupt and destroy rather than to nurture and build on a foundation of love made visible through service. But we must not lose hope. You have conquered, the price is paid and the victory is won.The enemies of the Church will crushed for they are already vanquished and triumphant cries of alleluia resound everywhere even though it may seem that the power of darkness are in ascent. 

Psalm 68:29-30, 33-36

The Lord has won the victory He is triumphant. Awesome is our God who rules the heavens and the earth and blesses His children with power and strength to face the enemy and overpower the rulers of darkness in His Truth.  Our God rides on the wind and speaks in the sound of the thunder. He carries His people under His wings. Blessed be our God now and forever. Alleluia!

John 17:11-19

My Beloved, Your own are kept safe in Your Name - Jesus. To us who believe in Your Word is given the joy that comes only from knowing You. We do not belong to the world but to You and just as the world hated You, so it hates those who follow You faithfully.

You have left us Your Presence in Your Living and Eternal Word and we are consecrated in the Truth of Your Word which is Yourself.  We are called to be leaven in the world carrying Your Truth and allowing that Truth to go out from us to be diffused to those around us. We thank You Beloved for making the ultimate sacrifice for which the Father sent You.In Your death we have died to sin and in Your resurrection we are born to newness of life. Thank You.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Acts 20:17-27, Psalm 68:10-11, 20-21, John 17:1-11


Acts 20:17-27, Psalm 68:10-11, 20-21, John 17:1-11

Acts 20:17-27

My Beloved, if any disciple can truthfully echo Paul's words as their mission comes to a close they can be at peace for they have been your good and faithful servant. Our life is the first witness of what we believe even  before we open our mouths to speak. A life lived in humility and service to ones neighbor is the mark of a true disciple. Nothing must deter us, neither trials, persecution or sorrow. The goal is clear and we must keep a steady course. This is possible only if we are completely in tune with the Holy Spirit.  We have all received the same mission to carry the Good News with us wherever we may be, You will provide all the grace we need. May I strive always to never stop to count the cost but to do all that You ask of me cheerfully, promptly and to the best of my ability.

Psalm 68:10-11, 20-21

My Beloved, You are with us always. You bless and comfort us. You feed us and strengthen us. You forgive us and are always merciful, tender and compassionate. As you deal with us grant that we deal with others. Thank You for being yoked to us and helping us carry our burdens each day.Thank You for salvation that comes to us only through You. Thank You for the promise of eternal life with You.

John 17:1-11

My Beloved, the blessed hour for which the Father sent You into the world has finally arrived. To You is given the power over all mankind. The ones chosen by the Father and entrusted to You are given the awesome  mission of establishing Your Church, preserving Your teaching and handing it down faithfully to all who will come to know you and the Father who sent You. To God is due all glory for sending us salvation and redemption through You. The Church is entrusted with the mission to ensure that Your teaching is handed down faithfully so that generation after generation will receive the truth, will come to know and believe in You and will be saved. We bear Your Name Beloved and are one in You as You are One with the Father. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, Psalm 113:1-8, John 15:9-17


Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, Psalm 113:1-8, John 15:9-17

Acts 1:15-17, 20-26

My Beloved, the Church is a community of believers with a hierarchy - there is a visible head and there is the invisible Head, Yourself. The Church receives her life from You and she is guided by the Holy Spirit, by Scripture and by the Living Tradition that the Apostles who were with You from the time of John's baptism, who lived with You for 3 years and finally were witnesses to Your resurrection.

As long as the Church abides by these three principles she will stay the course and remain true and faithful. Thus it was how the two were chosen to take Judas' place. Lots were cast for Joseph and Matthias who fit the criteria and in the end the final choice was left up to You. It was You who chose Matthias.

Psalm 113:1-8

My Beloved, You choose whoever You wish and You equip the one chosen to carry out the mission. We are to be attentive to Your voice and to accept Your choice in obedience and humility.

You are intimately involved in the life of Your Church, constantly stooping over her and granting her Your protection. We praise You Lord for Your Church, for her leaders and for all her members who form Your Body.

John 15:9-17

Me Beloved, there are no degrees to divine love as there is in human love and affection which is often flawed because we are sinners. How consoling and wonderful it is to know that You love us as much as You love the Father who returns that love in equal and infinite measure. 

Beloved, the only one way to know if my love for You is genuine is if I am willing to obey Your commands. This is how we know that Your love for Your Father is perfect, You obeyed His command to lay down Your life for us. You have revealed to us everything that the Father Himself revealed to You. In believing all that You have revealed You have made us Your friends for there are no secrets between true friends. You chose us, You have sent us to tell the world how much God loved us He sent You to save us and give us hope of everlasting life. True love makes only one demand that we make a complete self donation to one another in imitation of the Divine Lover.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Acts 16:22-34, Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8, John 16:5-11


Acts 16:22-34, Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8, John 16:5-11

Acts 16:22-34

My Beloved, Paul and Silas were flogged, received blows, their clothes were torn off and they were not only thrown into prison but their feet were chained. One would imagine that they would have been caught up in their physical pain and spiritual disappointment tat their preaching of the Gospel only brought them persecution and imprisonment yet we read that they were praying and singing hymns late into the night. Nothing and no one could steal their joy of being thought worthy to suffer for Your sake and for the sake of the Kingdom. 

So it must be for us - we ought not to become morose when things don't go as we had planned rather we are called to sing, pray and praise God and we will see God work miracles' rewarding us for our faith in Him despite our circumstances. A joyful Christian will attract many more souls to the Kingdom than a sour faced one. 

Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8

I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;
in the presence of the angels to you I sing.
I bow low toward your holy temple;
I praise your name for your mercy and faithfulness.
For you have exalted over all
your name and your promise.
On the day I cried out, you answered;
you strengthened my spirit.
Though I walk in the midst of dangers,
you guard my life when my enemies rage.
You stretch out your hand;
your right hand saves me.
The LORD is with me to the end.
LORD, your mercy endures forever.
Never forsake the work of your hands!

John 16:5-11

My Beloved, the Father sent You and when You returned to Your place in His bosom, You sent us Your Holy Spirit so we who are the children of the Father would not feel we had been orphaned after You left. We needed to be connected to You and through You to the Father. What better way than to send us the Spirit of both Father and Son since He is the love that binds us all and makes us one with You who in the Spirit is One with the Father. The Holy Spirit who alone knows God since He is the Spirit of God is able to reveal to us the truth about Him this is why You sent Him to us. 

We sin when we do not believe Your Word. We share in Your righteousness  when we follow You who are the way to the Father. We know that the Devil who is a thief, a liar and a murderer who sought to steal our inheritance has himself been struck down and is condemned. He no longer has a claim on those who share in Your victory over sin, the flesh and the world. Thank You and praise Your Lord!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Acts 16:1-10, Psalm 100:2-3, 5, John 15:18-21


Acts 16:1-10, Psalm 100:2-3, 5, John 15:18-21

Acts 16:1-10

My Beloved, the Church today follows the same pattern that the Apostles and elders did from the very beginning. The hierarchy of Bishops with the Pope as the Vicar of Christ leads, guides and directs Your Church through Your Holy Spirit. She remains true and faithful to Your teaching. She preserves and hands it down teaching without error, for she has Your solemn promise that she cannot do so in matters of faith and morals. You have given her the authority to bind and loose. 

When her members obey her and are faithful to her teachings the Church grows strong and vibrant and she draws many more into her fold as they believe the Good News through her witness and testimony. If all her  members  rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance none will stray. 

Psalm 100:2-3, 5

My Lord, we are called to be a people of joy. We must serve the Church gladly attentive to the needs of those around us. We are called to minister in whatever way is required knowing that God who calls us will equip and supply all we need to be effective. 

You are true to all Your promises. Your love endures forever and all who come after us will also taste the sweetness of Your divine love.

John 15:18-21

My Beloved, we ought not to get sad and discouraged when people reject us, hate us and persecute us. Your enemies hated You precisely because You showed them up for the hypocrites they were. Although they were powerful You were not afraid to name their sins to their faces.

We acknowledge You as our Lord and Master and if the world rejected You we can expect no less from it. To those whose hears are open to the Truth You will grant the gift of faith and life through our witness. Teach us Lord to be patient in tribulations never losing our love, joy and peace because You have won the victory.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Acts 15:7-21, Psalm 96:1-3, 10, John 15:9-11


Acts 15:7-21, Psalm 96:1-3, 10, John 15:9-11

Acts 15:7-21

My Beloved, Peter reiterates what the Apostles and earliest disciples knew quite well, that of the 12 You chose Peter to be the Rock, he was to be Your Vicar on earth and the visible head of Your Church. We hear the Good News not only through the Gospels but from Peter as well who guides the Church. The Holy Spirit is not restricted to a select few but is Your awesome Gift to all who believe with no discrimination. In Baptism we are made the children of God we are saved through the immeasurable merit that You won for us and the infinite grace poured upon all those who believe in Your Name.

To all who preach the Good News God will work through signs and wonders for the Father desires that all may come to know Him and You whom He sent. To all who believe is given the Holy Spirit who comes from You and reveals the secrets of the Kingdom of God.

The only reason for these restrictions that James put forth for non-Jews who have embraced Christianity is to avoid scandalizing the ultra conservative Jews who had become Christians. It was all still very new and the Church to this day has always been most sensitive and thoughtful of all her children.

Psalm 96:1-3, 10

My Beloved, truly we ought to rejoice always for all that the Father has done for us through You. Thank You for Your reign upon the earth. In His perfect time God will bring all things under Your rule and command; for Lordship has already been given to You. In the end all will bow down and worship You as Lord, Savior and Redeemer of all mankind.

John 15:9-11

My Beloved, there are no degrees to the love God has for You and for us. As the Father loves You He loves us it is an unfathomable love and it is a mystery that He loved us even while we were still sinners. The intensity of Your love for the Father is also the same as Your love for us who have been redeemed and sanctified by Your great Sacrifice.

Obedience in all things will keep us united to You. It is a choice we make over and over again for as long as we are alive. Only in You Beloved is our joy made complete because You alone give meaning and purpose to our life. Thank You.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Acts 15:1-6, Psalm 122:1-5, John 15:1-8


Acts 15:1-6, Psalm 122:1-5, John 15:1-8

Acts 15:1-6

My Beloved, we see in these verses that no matter how strongly we feel about some pet belief or theory we could be mistaken. What is acceptable in one context may not be so in another. The Jewish faith required circumcision according to the Mosaic Law of Moses to distinguish themselves from the rest of the nations. This changed when You came into the world. Now what distinguishes Christians from the rest of the world is Baptism. We see in the early Church how disputes which arose were resolved. They were brought to the elders in the Mother Church in Jerusalem, gathering together they prayed about it, discussed it and led by the Holy Spirit decided on the right course of action. This is how it is done to this day. "Rome has spoken the case is closed."  And so it will be until the end of the age for You guarantee that the Church cannot teach error on matters of faith and morals.

Psalm 122:1-5

My Beloved, I thank You for Holy Mother Church who receives all her children and cares for each lovingly and respectfully.
 All find their place in her despite the rich diversity of her children who come from every nation. language and race and all offer You praise, thanksgiving and worship in every tongue. Your life in her keeps her holy and safe from all the attacks and wiles of the Enemy. Within her embrace all are safe for she is built on the Rock of Peter and You are her Cornerstone.

John 15:1-8

My Beloved, You are the true Vine - many have come claiming to be what they are not, they flourished for a while and are now either long gone or will be forgotten eventually. The Father who tends the Vine will not permit parasites to cling as dead weight contributing nothing and yielding nothing, these the Father will remove from You and cast away. The branches that He permits to remain in You He will tend, clean and prune. He will do everything necessary to enable the branch to yield fruit to its potential. Many have begun well but because they were neither humble nor obedient they have inevitably broken from the Vine and withered slowly and died.

Keep us faithful Beloved. Keep us close to Your Church nourished by the Holy Eucharist and by Your Word we will receive life and grace. Through the life giving Sacraments found only in Your Church we are guaranteed happiness in this life and eternal bliss in the next.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Acts 14:19-28, Psalm 145:10-13, 21, John 14:27-31


Acts 14:19-28, Psalm 145:10-13, 21, John 14:27-31

Acts 14:19-28

Beloved, in these verses we see how Christian disciples must lead their lives. We are called to strengthen and encourage one another in the faith in order that we may remain firm in it. You revealed that we must expect trials for they will surely come our way and through them we will enter the Kingdom of God. Prayer and fasting should be the norm. We must share our common experiences so that all Christians will know how powerfully God is at work in us and in His Church.

Psalm 145:10-13, 21

Praise and good works in accordance with Your will my Lord must be an integral part of our life. You are constantly at work blessing us and giving us all we need to live lives pleasing to God.  All creation rightly gives You praise and as Your creatures we ought to never cease praising You. In this way all will know how good, kind and loving You are.

May every breath I breathe until my last give You glory, praise and honor my Lord and my God.

John 14:27-31

My Beloved, You have taught us that obedience is better than sacrifice. We are called to do exactly what God desires us to. In order to know His will we need to be attentive. We ought to be at peace, we ought to receive the peace that You came to give us. Peace in a world that is in discord. A peace that is so imbued in us that nothing can take it away. We need not be afraid or troubled because You ask us not to fear. 

There is no need to permit the world to steal what belongs to us. You showed us how to love - perfect love conforms our will to the will of the Beloved just as You conformed Your will to that of Your Father because You love Him. You came to teach us God's will for us, to reveal the Father's love for us and to lay down Your life in perfect obedience to His will. Your love was not just talk You accomplished all that the Father sent You into the world to do.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Thank You.